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Download Trainer Red Dead Redemption 2 {CHEATHAPPENS}


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Trainer Red Dead Redemption 2 {CHEATHAPPENS}

Activating this trainer:

If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.

Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.

Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.


Promo Options:

  • Add: Unlimited Ammo


Trainer Options:

# Player 

  • NumPad1: Super Cowboy Mode
  • NumPad2: Unlimited Health
  • NumPad3: Unlimited Stamina
  • NumPad4: Unlimited Dead Eye
  • NumPad5: No Fall Damage

# Core 

  • NumPad6: Unlimited Max Health Core
  • NumPad7: Unlimited Max Stamina Core
  • NumPad8: Unlimited Dead Eye Core
  • NumPad9: Unlimited Max Horse Stamina Core
  • Multiply: Unlimited Max Horse Health Core

# Weapons 

  • Add: Unlimited Ammo
  • Separator: No Reload

# Inventory 

  • Subtract: Use Item Gives Max

# Currency 

  • Decimal: Set Money On Pickup

# Horse 

  • Divide: Unlimited Horse Health
  • F1: Unlimited Horse Gallop Stamina

# Bounty / Wanted 

  • F2: Instant Reset Bounty
  • F3: No Law Reaction / No WANTED

# Gameplay 

  • F4: Game Speed

# Hunting / Invisible 

  • F5: Easier Hunting


Editor Options:

# Inventory:

  • Mouse Over Inventory Count

# Time:

  • Current Hour of Day
  • Current Minute of Hour

# Honor:

  • Current Honor



Super Cowboy Mode:

Toggle on and the trainer keeps your Health, Stamina, and DeadEye at max, as well as max for the horse.

Unlimited Health:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to mitigate any damage to your character.

Unlimited Stamina:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to keep your stamina bar from falling.

Unlimited Dead Eye:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to keep the Dead Eye meter from falling when you use it.

No Fall Damage:

Toggle on and you can fall from very high and not get killed.  Works for horse as well.  May protect you from other kinds of damage as well.  Best to use this when travelling fast on horseback or in dangerous areas where you might fall.  If enemies are impossible to kill, toggle this back off.

Unlimited Max Health Core:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to keep the Health Core full.

Unlimited Max Stamina Core:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to keep the Stamina Core full.

Unlimited Dead Eye Core:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to keep Dead Eye Core full.

Unlimited Max Horse Stamina Core:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to keep the Health Core full.

Unlimited Max Horse Health Core:

Toggle on and the trainer will try to keep the Stamina Core full.

No Reload:

Toggle on and most weapons when you fire them your current clip count does not drop.

Use Item Gives Max:

Toggle on and when you use and item or consumable, you will have the max of the item.

Set Money On Pickup:

Toggle on and while this is active, when you pick up money, you will have the amount of money that can be set in the trainer.

Unlimited Horse Health:

Toggle on, and as long as you are on the horse and take combat damage, the horse cannot be shot.

Unlimited Horse Gallop Stamina:

Toggle on and most horses you can run indefinitely.

Instant Reset Bounty:

Toggle on and your current bounty while WANTED is set to 0.

No Law Reaction / No WANTED:

Toggle on and while on when you do things in town that alert the law, they never react or proceed to WANTED status.

Game Speed:

Toggle on to affect game speed.

Easier Hunting:

Toggle on and you can move up to most animals.  May allow you to approach humans or interact with them in ways that they ignore you as well.

Honor' Current Honor:

Edit this value, then SAVE your game, then LOAD the game and your honor is set to the value.


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