Trainers & Hacks Offline
Área destinada a compartilhação de utilitários para jogos, como cheats, trainers e mods. Lembrando que não é permitido compartilhar CHEATS para modo online.
2.154 arquivos
WeMod WeMod
Por Load
WeMod Infinity é um All in One (tudo em um) Trainer, serve para você usar deixar organizado todos seus jogos, possui uma variedade de jogos com trainers já predefinidos.
Veja como funciona o trainer, video em inglês:
Trainer Resident Evil 2 Remake {FLiNG}
Por Load
Resident Evil 2 Remake: Trainer +20 v1.0-v20190220 2019.02.20 {FLiNG}
Download to: Trainer Resident Evil 3 Remake {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 2
Trainer Resident Evil 2
Trainer Resident Evil 2 Remake
Trainer Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019
Trainer FLiNG Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019
Trainer Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019 FLiNG
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019
Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019 Trainer
Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019 Trainer FLiNG
Resident Evil 2 Remake Trainer
Resident Evil 2 Remake Trainer FLING
Resident Evil 2 Remake: Trainer +20 {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 2 Remake: Trainer +20 {FLiNG} FULL
Resident Evil 2 Remake Trainer {FLiNG} Game Full
バイオハザード 2
バイオハザード 2 リメイク
バイオハザード2 リメイク trainer
バイオハザード2 trainer
Trainerバイオハザード2 リメイク
Rrainer バイオハザード2
生化危机2:重制版 Trainer
Trainer 生化危机2:重制版
生化危机2:重制版 风灵月影@3dmgames
生化危机2:重制版 风灵月影
Resident Evil Reddit
Cheat Happens Cheat Happens Trainer Manager
Por Load
Mantenha todos os trainers em uma única pasta e organizados Trainers compatíveis verificados automaticamente quanto a atualizações com a notificação da bandeja do sistema Executar trainers diretamente do gerenciador de trainers Um Clique para Baixar a Versão Mais Recente do Trainer Selecionado Um clique para o fórum de suporte do trainer para o trainer selecionado Um clique para reportar um patch de jogo para o trainer selecionado Um clique para a página de índice do trainer selecionado Classifique sua lista de trainers por versões atualizadas de Alpha ou Show Only Renomeie seus trainers, tanto o que é mostrado na TM e / ou arquivos reais Notificação visual se a atualização para o gerenciador do trainer estiver disponível Notificação visual da conexão ativa com a Internet Notificação visual do status da chave off-line Inicie rapidamente o CoSMOS a partir do Trainer Manager Toda a nova documentação de notificação antivírus com tutoriais em vídeo Rapidamente Search Cheat acontece Website de dentro do Trainer Manager Marque uma página da Web do CH e vincule-a a qualquer Trainers não compatível com a TM Marque seus trainers favoritos para facilitar o acesso Arquive trainers mais antigos para excluir das varreduras de atualização Auto-Update Trainer Manager e Trainers Mais recursos em breve...
OBS: Você deve comprar no site deles a licença!
Trainer Assassins Creed Odyssey v1.0.2-v1.0.6 Plus 26 {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainers para Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
[1.0.2 – 1.0.6] {FLiNG}
Numpad 1 ~ Inf. Health Numpad 2 ~ Inf. Adrenaline Numpad 3 ~ Inf. Oxygen Numpad 4 ~ No Cooldown Numpad 5 ~ Inf. Skill Dur Numpad 6 ~ Inf. Items Numpad 7 ~ Inf. Ship Acc Numpad 8 ~ Super Speed Numpad 9 ~ Stealth Numpad 0 ~ Super Damage Numpad . ~ Inf. Ship Health Numpad + ~ Ship No Cd Numpad – ~ Ohk Ships Ctrl + Numpad 1 ~ Inf. Money Ctrl + Numpad 2 ~ Inf. Resourses Ctrl + Numpad 3 ~ Inf. Exp Ctrl + Numpad 4 ~ Inf. Sp Ctrl + Numpad 5 ~ Zero Bounty Ctrl + Numpad 6 ~ Super Hawkeye Range Ctrl + Numpad 7 ~ Unlock All Insc Ctrl + Numpad 8 ~ Freeze Time Of Day Ctrl + Numpad 9 ~ Clear Nation. Str Ctrl + Page Up ~ Reduce 50% Athens Hp Ctrl + Page Down ~ Reduce 50% Spart. Hp Ctrl+./+/- ~ Save/Teleport/Undo Ctrl + Numpad 0 ~ Teleport To Wp Alt + 1/2/3/4 ~ 2x/4x/8x/16x Exp Home ~ Disable All3.740 downloads
Trainer Dark Souls III v1.03-v1.15 Plus 28 {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainers para Dark Souls 3
[1.03 – 1.15] {FLiNG}
Numpad 1 ~ Inf. HP Numpad 2 ~ Inf. FP Numpad 3 ~ Inf. Stamina Numpad 4 ~ Inf. Items Numpad 5 ~ Inf. Weight Numpad 6 ~ Inf. Durability Numpad 7 ~ 100% Drop Rate 100% Numpad 8 ~ Inf. Souls Numpad 9 ~ Add Souls Numpad 0 ~ One Hit Kill Numpad ./+/- ~ Save Loc./Teleport/Undo Page Up ~ Super Speed Page Down ~ Souls Won’t Drop Upon Death Ctrl + Numpad 1 ~ Add Vigor Ctrl + Numpad 2 ~ Add Attunement Ctrl + Numpad 3 ~ Add Endurance Ctrl + Numpad 4 ~ Add Vitality Ctrl + Numpad 5 ~ Add Strength Ctrl + Numpad 6 ~ Add Dexterity Ctrl + Numpad 7 ~ Add Intelligence Ctrl + Numpad 8 ~ Add Faith Ctrl + Numpad 9 ~ Add Luck Ctrl + Numpad 0 ~ Reset Level Alt + Numpad 1 ~ No Poising Alt + Numpad 2 ~ No Bleeding Alt + Numpad 3 ~ No Frosted Alt + Numpad 4 ~ No Cursed Alt + Numpad 5 ~ Freeze Enemies Home ~ Disable All12.164 downloads
Khaos Macro
Por Joao426
Khaos macro um progama para criar bot para qualquer jogo, ou um bot para qualquer função que deseja.
Trainer The Waylanders {}
Por TicoKing
Activating this trainer
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Trainer Options
# Controlled Character
NumPad1: Unlimited Health
NumPad2: Unlimited Resource
# Progression
NumPad3: Unlimited Attribute Points
# Gameplay
NumPad4: Game Speed
Editor Options
# Player Stats
Current XP
XP Needed For Next Level
Character Level
Current STR
Current CON
Current AGI
Current PER
Current INT
Current WIL
Current Health
Max Health
Current Resource
Max Resource
# Currency
Unlimited Health:
Toggle on and the trainer will try to reset the health of the character you are currently controlling to 100%.
Rarely, this may affect some other characters, so toggle off if some characters seem invincible.
Unlimited Resource:
Toggle on and the trainer will try to reset the resource of the character you are currently controlling to 100%.
Unlimited Attribute Points:
Toggle on and you have unlimited Attribute Points and can spend them even if your character has ridiculously high points already. Note that the game hard codes max values for health and etc after certain levels.
Game Speed:
Toggle on to affect game speed.
Current XP:
Player Stats, you will need to enter the inventory, then click CHARACTERS, then select a character at the bottom for the values to fill in. XP is what determines your level in the game and the number of attribute points you can spend.
XP Needed For Next Level:
Player Stats, you will need to enter the inventory, then click CHARACTERS, then select a character at the bottom for the values to fill in.
These values are the permanent values for the character. If you change the attributes here (i.e. STR+) when you save and load, they will remain permanent and take hold.
Character Level:
This level, the higher it is, the more Attribute Points you have to spend. Your Attribute Points available is directly dependent on your level. However this level is a temp value that is actually determined by the XP you have. If you have massive XP, then you are higher levels. You normally can only be level 30 max in the game.
Current STR:
Setting these, they will reset when you level up or at loads.
You will need to enter the Inventory, then the EQUIPMENT screen to see this fill in.
Windows Steam Achievement Manager
Por Load
Feito para dar todas as conquistas de um jogo dentro da steam, não tem risco de ban, testei em 2 contas minhas, na minha principal eu usei com cautela e não levei ban, e na secundária eu aloprei e não levei ban. ?
Se gostou, não esqueçam de dar gostei!
Trainer The Outer Worlds {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainer The Outer Worlds {FLiNG} v1.0 Plus 28 Options
Num 1 – Infinite Health Num + – Companions Infinite Health Num 2 – Infinite Tactical Time Dilation Num 3 – Infinite Ammo Num 4 – No Reload Num 5 – Items Don’t Decrease Num 6 – Infinite Equipment Durability Num 7 – Zero Weight Num 8 – Set Game Speed Num 9 – Set Player Speed Num 0 – Super Jump Num . – Super Damage/One Hit Kill Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Money/Bits Ctrl+Num 2 – Infinite Exp Ctrl+Num 3 – Edit Skill Points Ctrl+Num 4 – Edit Perk Points Ctrl+Num 5 – Max Reputation Ctrl+Num 6 – Supernova Difficulty: No Hunger Ctrl+Num 7 – Supernova Difficulty: No Thirst Ctrl+Num 8 – Supernova Difficulty: No Sleep Deprivation Ctrl+Num 9 – Supernova Difficulty: Save Anywhere Ctrl+Num 0 – Stealth Mode Alt+Num 1 – Exp Multiplier Alt+Num 2 – Damage Multiplier Alt+Num 3 – Edit Companions Perk Points Alt+Num 4 – Can Fast Travel At Any Time Alt+Num 5 – Unlock All Locked Containers Alt+Num 6 – Character Creation: Max Attributes *(Read Notes) NOTES
“Items Don’t Decrease” only works on items greater than 1; “Infinite Equipment Durability” takes effect when durability decreases. “Zero Weight” takes effect when weight changes (pick up/drop something). “Super Jump”: Note you may take fall damage if you jump too high, it’s better to use “Infinite Health” and this option together. “Edit Money/Bits” takes effect when you open menu/inventory. “Edit Skill Points”, “Edit Perk Points”, “Edit Companions Perk Points”: You may need to switch menus to see the value change. Set them to 0 after you’re done to avoid the game keep telling you that you have remaining skill/perk points. “Max Reputation” takes effect when reputation changes, or when you open reputation menu and see the values changed then save and reload. “Can Fast Travel At Any Time”: While activated, you can fast travel during battle and in supernova difficulty. “Character Creation: Max Attributes”: Activate in character creation attributes screen. Add attributes normally, the attribute values are not affected by this option but the attribute descriptions will always show the maximum additional stats. After character creation, you will see all attributes are maxed.
Trainer Persona 4 Golden {FLiNG}
Por TicoKing
Num 1 – Infinite HP
Num 2 – Infinite SP
Num 3 – Items Don’t Decrease
Num 4 – Always Shuffle After Battle
Num 5 – Edit Money
Num 6 – Money Multiplier
Num 7 – Infinite Exp
Num 8 – Exp Multiplier
Num 9 – Set Game Speed
Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kill
Num . – Damage Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 1 – Obtain All Weapons
Ctrl+Num 2 – Obtain All Armors
Ctrl+Num 3 – Obtain All Accessories
Ctrl+Num 4 – Obtain All Materials
Ctrl+Num 5 – Obtain All Expendables
Ctrl+Num 6 – Infinite Shuffles
Ctrl+Num 7 – Easy Level Up S.Link
Ctrl+Num 8 – Stealth Mode
Edit Persona Stats
Alt+Num 1 – ST
Alt+Num 2 – MA
Alt+Num 3 – EN
Alt+Num 4 – AG
Alt+Num 5 – LU
“Infinite Exp” takes effect when you kill monster.
“Edit Persona Stats”: First enter persona stats screen, then activate editor options, then close and reopen the stats screen to see stats change.
Num 1 - HP infinito
Num 2 - SP infinito
Num 3 - Os itens não diminuem
Num 4 - Sempre embaralhe depois da batalha
Num 5 - Editar dinheiro
Num 6 - Multiplicador de Dinheiro
Num 7 - Exp Infinito
Num 8 - Multiplicador de Exp
Num 9 - Definir velocidade do jogo
Num 0 - Super Damage / One Hit Kill
Num. - Multiplicador de Dano
Ctrl + Num 1 - Obtenha todas as armas
Ctrl + Num 2 - Obtenha todas as armaduras
Ctrl + Num 3 - Obtenha todos os acessórios
Ctrl + Num 4 - Obter todos os materiais
Ctrl+Num 6 – Infinite Shuffles
Ctrl + Num 5 - Obter Todos os Mercenários
Ctrl + Num 7 - Nível Fácil S.Link
Ctrl + Num 8 - Modo invisível
Editar estatísticas da pessoa
Alt + Num 1 - ST
Alt + Num 2 - MA
Alt + Num 3 - PT
Alt + Num 4 - AG
Alt + Num 5 - LU
"Exp Infinito" entra em vigor quando você mata um monstro.
“Editar estatísticas da persona”: primeiro entre na tela de estatísticas da persona, depois ative as opções do editor, feche e reabra a tela de estatísticas para ver as alterações nas estatísticas.
Trainer Little Witch Nobeta {FLiNG}
Por TicoKing
Num 1 – Infinite Health
Num 2 – Invulnerable/Ignore Damage
Num 3 – Infinite MP
Num 4 – Infinite Stamina
Num 5 – Instant Charge Spells
Num 6 – Spells No Cooldown
Num 7 – No Recoil
Num 8 – Infinite Jumps
Num 9 – Infinite Money/Souls
Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kill
Ctrl+Num 1 – Money/Souls Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 2 – Damage Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 3 – Set Game Speed
“Infinite Money/Souls” takes effect when you gain money/souls.
“No Recoil”: When using charged spells, you may still have some recoil (knock back) effects.
Trainer SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated {FLiNG}
Por TicoKing
Num 1 – Infinite Underwear
Num 2 – Invulnerable/Ignore Hit
Num 3 – Infinite Double Jumps
Num 4 – Infinite Shinny Objects
Num 5 – Shinny Objects ×
Num 6 – Infinite Golden Spatulas
Num 7 – Infinite Patrick’s Lost Socks
Num 8 – Set Game Speed
“Infinite Underwear”, “Infinite Shinny Objects”, “Infinite Golden Spatulas”, “Infinite Patrick’s Lost Socks” take effects when their values change or when entering a different location.
Trainer is based on Steam version, should also work for Epic Store version but haven’t tested yet.
Num 1 - Roupa interior infinita
Num 2 - Invulnerável / Ignorar Acertos
Num 3 - Saltos Duplos Infinitos
Num 4 - Objetos Infinitos Brilhantes
Num 5 - Objetos Brilhantes ×
Num 6 - Espátulas douradas infinitas
Num 7 - Meias perdidas infinitas de Patrick
Num 8 - Definir velocidade do jogo
"Roupa íntima infinita", "Objetos brilhantes infinitos", "Espátulas douradas infinitas", "Meias perdidas infinitas de Patrick" entram em vigor quando seus valores mudam ou ao entrar em um local diferente.
O Trainer é baseado na versão Steam, também deve funcionar na versão Epic Store, mas ainda não foi testado.
Trainer Resident Evil 2 Remake +10 {MrAntiFun}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainer Resident Evil 2 Biohazard RE 2 V25.01.2019 Trainer +10 {MrAntiFun}
Opções do Trainer
F1 - Saúde Infinita F2 - Munição Infinita F3 - Não recarregar F4 - Fita de tinta infinita F5 - Durabilidade Infinita F6 - Melhor Precisão F7 - Redefinir Hora do Jogo F8 - Mochila 20 Slots F9 - 4x de dano F10 - Mantenha Tyrant Down Trainer Options
F1 - Infinite Health F2 - Infinite Ammo F3 - No Reload F4 - Infinite Ink Ribbon F5 - Infinite Durability F6 - Better Accuracy F7 - Reset Game Time F8 - Backpack 20 Slots F9 - 4x Damage F10 - Keep Tyrant Down4.175 downloads
FLiNG Trainer No Man's Sky {FLiNG}
Por Load
Num 1 - Saúde Infinita
Num 2 - Escudo Infinito
Num 3 - Resistência Infinita
Num 4 - Energia Infinita Jetpack
Num 5 - Multi-ferramenta sem superaquecimento
Num 6 - Sem recarga
Num 7 - Granadas Infinitas
Num 8 - Itens Infinitos
Num 9 - Sem/Mín. Requisitos de Crafting
Num 0 - Super Dano / Um Hit para Destruir
Ctrl + Num 1 - Saúde Infinita da Nave Estelar
Ctrl + Num 2 - Escudo Infinito da Nave Estelar
Ctrl + Num 3 - Armas da nave estelar sem superaquecimento
Ctrl + Num 4 - Infinitas unidades
Ctrl + Num 5 - Adicionar unidades
Ctrl + Num 6 - Super velocidade
Ctrl + Num 7 - Abrir fechaduras/portas sem Atlas Pass
Ctrl + Num 8 - Traduzir todas as línguas estrangeiras
Ctrl + Num 9 - Clusters de Nanitos Infinitos
Ctrl + Num 0 - Mercúrio Infinito
Alt + Num 1 - Lançamento Thruster Inf. Energia
Alt + Num 2 - Inf. Do motor de pulso Energia
Alt + Num 3 - Hyperdrive Inf. Energia
Alt + Num 4 - Carregamento instantâneo do scanner
Alt + Num 5 - Suporte de Vida Inf. Energia
Alt + Num 6 - Proteção contra riscos Inf. Energia
Alt + Num 7 - Energia infinita para várias ferramentas
Trainer Romance of the Three Kingdoms 14 {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Num 1 – Infinite Orders Num 2 – Max Administration Level City Editor
Ctrl+Num 1 – Durability Ctrl+Num 2 – Morale Ctrl+Num 3 – Gold Ctrl+Num 4 – Supplies Ctrl+Num 5 – Troops Ctrl+Num 6 – Wounded Ctrl+Num 7 – Provoked Remaining Days Ctrl+Num 8 – Disorder Remaining Days Ctrl+Num 9 – Scale (1-4) Area Editor
Ctrl+F1 – Commerce Exp Ctrl+F2 – Agriculture Exp Ctrl+F3 – Barracks Exp Ctrl+F4 – Population Ctrl+F5 – Public Order Ctrl+F6 – Construction Limit Gate Editor
Ctrl+F7 – Durability Ctrl+F8 – Morale Ctrl+F9 – Troops Ctrl+F10 – Wounded Ctrl+F11 – Provoked Remaining Days Ctrl+F12 – Disorder Remaining Days Officer Editor
Alt+Num 1 – LEA Alt+Num 2 – STR Alt+Num 3 – INT Alt+Num 4 – POL Alt+Num 5 – CHA Alt+Num 6 – Loyalty Alt+Num 7 – Policy Level Alt+Num 8 – Max Stats Cap Alt+Num 9 – Birth Year Alt+Num 0 – Illness Level (0-3) Unit Editor
Alt+F5 – Morale Alt+F6 – Troops Alt+F7 – Wounded Alt+F8 – Provoked Remaining Days Alt+F9 – Disorder Remaining Days Alt+F10 – Restrained Remaining Days Alt+F11 – Gold Alt+F12 – Supplies NOTES
“City Editor”: Open a city’s info menu, then activate editor options, they will be applied to that city. “Area Editor”: Open a region’s info menu, then activate editor options, they will be applied to that region. “Officer Editor”: Open a character’s info menu, then activate editor options, they will be applied to that character. “Unit Editor”: Open a troop’s info menu, then activate editor options, they will be applied to that troop. “Max Stats Cap” option is not permanent, when you disable this option, stats cap will restore back to normal.10 downloads
Trainer Assassins Creed Odyssey {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainer options
Numpad 1 - Infinite Health Numpad 2 - Infinite Adrenaline bars Numpad 3 - Infinite Oxygen Numpad 4 - Skills No Cooldown Numpad 5 - Infinite Skill Duration Numpad 6 - Items Won't Decrease Numpad 7 - Infinite Ship Acceleration Numpad 8 - Super Speed Numpad 9 - Stealth Mode Numpad 0 - Super Damage / One Hit Kill Numpad (.) - Ship: Infinite Health Numpad (+) -Ship: Attacks No Cooldown Numpad (-) - Ship: One Hit Kill Ctrl + Numpad 1 - Infinite Money Ctrl + Numpad 2 - Infinite Resources Ctrl + Numpad 3 - Infinite Experience Ctrl + Numpad 4 - Infinite Skill Points Ctrl + Numpad 5 - Clear Bounties Ctrl + Numpad 6 - Super Revelation Range Ctrl + Numpad 7 - Unlock All Engravings Ctrl + Numpad 8 - Freeze Daytime Ctrl + Numpad 9 - Zero Nation Power Ctrl + Page Up - Battle: Drop 50% Athenian Health Ctrl + Page Down - Battle: Drop 50% Spartan Health Ctrl + (./+/-) - Save location / Teleport / Undo Teleportation Ctrl + Numpad 0 - Teleport To Waypoint Location Alt + 1/2/3/4 - 2/4/8/16x Experience Home - Disable All2.452 downloads
Trainer Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 {FLiNG} +14
Por Load
Numpad 1 - Saúde Infinita
Numpad 2 - Infinito Ki
Numpad 3 - STM Infinito
Numpad 4 - Max Combo
Numpad 5 - Congelar Temporizador de Batalha
Numpad 6 - Drenar Ki do Oponente
Numpad 7 - Drenar STM do oponente
Numpad 0 - One Hit Kill
Numpad (.) - Super Velocidade
Ctrl + Numpad 1 - Zeni Infinito
Ctrl + Numpad 2 - Infinite TP Medals
Ctrl + Numpad 3 - Experiência Infinita
Ctrl + Numpad 4 - Pontos de Atributo Infinitos
Ctrl + Numpad 5 - Redefinir Atributos
F1 / F2 / F3 / F4 - 2/4/8 / 16x Zeni
F5 / F6 / F7 / F8 - Experiência 2/4/8 / 16x
Home - Desativar Tudo
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- (e 1 mais)
Trainer Generation Zero {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainer options
Numpad 1 - Infinite Health Numpad 2 - Infinite Ammo / Throwables Numpad 3 - No Reload Numpad 4 - Items Won't Decrease Numpad 5 - Infinite Experience Numpad 6 - Infinite Skill Points Numpad 7 - Super Speed Numpad 8 - Slow Motion Numpad 0 - One Hit Kill F1/F2/F3/F4 - 2/4/8/16x Experience Home - Disable All508 downloads
Trainer SnowRunner {FLiNG}
Por TicoKing
Num 1 – Infinite Vehicle Health
Num 2 – Infinite Fuel
Num 3 – Infinite Repair Points
Num 4 – Infinite Spare Tires
Num 5 – Freeze Daytime
Num 6 – Daytime +1 Hour
Num 7 – Daytime -1 Hour
Num 8 – Set Game Speed
Num 9 – Edit Money
Num 0 – Add Exp
“Infinite Repair Points”, “Infinite Spare Tires”: Note your vehicle need to have repair module/spare tires for them to work.
“Add Exp”: Note after adding exp, you won’t level up instantly, you need to gain some regular exp in order to level up.
Num 1 - Saúde Infinita do Veículo
Num 2 - Combustível Infinito
Num 3 - Pontos de reparo infinitos
Num 4 - Pneus Sobressalentes Infinitos
Num 5 - Congelar durante o dia
Num 6 - Diurno +1 hora
Num 7 - Diurno -1 Hora
Num 8 - Definir velocidade do jogo
Num 9 - Editar dinheiro
Num 0 - Adicionar Exp
“Pontos de reparo infinitos”, “Pneus sobressalentes infinitos”: observe que seu veículo precisa de um módulo de reparo / pneus sobressalentes para que funcionem.
"Adicionar exp": observe que após adicionar exp, você não subirá de nível instantaneamente, precisará obter algumas exp regulares para subir de nível.
Trainer Dying Light {MrAntiFun}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainer options
F1 - Infinite Health F2 - Infinite Stamina F3 - Infinite Durability F4 - Infinite Items F5 - Infinite Money F6 - Infinite Throwables F7 - Mega Experience F8 - Fast kill F9 - Infinite Pick Locks F10 - Infinite Ammo / No Reload F11 - Kill All Zombies F12 - Unbreakable Lock Pick Numpad 1 - Undetected By Night Zombies Numpad 2 - Infinite Health Car Numpad 3 - Infinite Fuel Numpad 4 - Super Speed Numpad 5 - Active Day Time Editing Numpad 6 - Set To Morning Numpad 7 - Set To Night
Go Options, Online and set VAC Secure off to prevent VAC banned
You should back up your game save.
You must open your inventory once for the items cheat to work.
You must open your inventory once for money cheat to work.
Mega Exp cheat includes all 3 Exp Systems in the game.
Kill all zombies will kill any zombie up to 50 feet from you.
You must have 2 units of an item for the items cheat to work.
Start game first then the trainer.
Trainer Half-Life: Alyx {FLiNG}
Por TicoKing
Num 1 – Infinite Health
Num 2 – Infinite Ammo
Num 3 – No Reload
Num 4 – Edit Resin
“Infinite Ammo” takes effect when you take out ammo from your backpack.
“No Reload” works for pistol, shotgun, and SMG. Note: For shotgun, ammo still deplete but you can still shoot even if you don’t have any ammo.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Por Load
Abra o game com o Anti-Cheat Desativado (Play Halo: MCC Anti-Cheat Disabled (Mods and Limited Services).)
Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Halo 2: Anniversary) Trainer
Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Halo 2: Reach) Trainer
Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Halo: CE Anniversary) Trainer
Trainer Far Cry 5 {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Trainer Far Cry 5 v1.2.0-v20180405 Plus 21 {FLiNG}
Numpad 1 - Infinite Health Numpad 2 - Infinite Stamina Numpad 3 - Infinite Oxygen Numpad 4 - Infinite Ammo / Special Ammo Numpad 5 - Infinite Throwables Numpad 6 - No Reload Numpad 7 - No Recoil Numpad 8 - Jam Enemies Weapon Numpad 9 - Infinite Buff Duration Numpad 0 - No Crafting Requirement Numpad (.) - Stealth Mode Numpad (+) - Unlock All Store Items Numpad (-) - No Overheat Ctrl + Numpad 1 - Infinite Money Ctrl + Numpad 2 - Infinite Perks Ctrl + Numpad 3 - Infinite Components Ctrl + Numpad 4 - Infinite Homeopathic Ctrl + Numpad 5 - Fish. Line Not Break Ctrl + Numpad 6 - +30 Sec. on Timer Page Up - Super Speed Page Down - Bullet Time Home - Disable All12.025 downloads
Trainer Nascar Heat 5 {CHEATHAPPENS.COM}
Por Priscila
Activating this trainer
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options
NumPad5: Unlimited Fans
Trainer Options
# Opponents
NumPad1: Freeze AI Cars
NumPad2: Spinout AI Cars
NumPad3: Send AI Cars into Air
# Progression
NumPad4: Unlimited Money
NumPad5: Unlimited Fans
Unlimited Fans:
Toggle on then enter Career, then leave career, then come back and its changed. The value can be set in the trainer.
Trainer ARK: Survival Evolved {FLiNG}
Por 403 - Forbiddeen
Num 1 – Infinite Health
Num 2 – Infinite Stamina
Num 3 – Max Food
Num 4 – Max Water
Num 5 – Zero Weight
Num 6 – Infinite Oxygen
Num 7 – No Torpidity
Num 8 – Add Experience
Num 9 – Add 100 Engram Points
Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Destroy
Ctrl+Num 1 – Instant Craft
Ctrl+Num 2 – Infinite Equipments Durability
Ctrl+Num 3 – No Fall Damage
Ctrl+Num 4 – Infinite Items
Ctrl+Num 5 – Stable Body Temperature
Ctrl+Num 6 – Ignore Crafting Requirements
Ctrl+Num 7 – Items Don’t Spoil
Ctrl+Num 8 – Guns No Reload
Ctrl+Num 9 – Instant Tame
Ctrl+Num 0 – One Hit Faint
Ctrl+Num . – Dinos Always Hungry
PageUp – Set Player Speed
PageDown – Super Jump
“Zero Weight” takes effect when weight changes (pick up/drop/move some items). “Instant Craft”: Activated before start crafting. “Super Damage/One Hit Destroy” and “One Hit Faint” only works with melee damage. SPECIAL NOTES
This game uses BattlEye anticheat, you need to run the game without anticheat in order to use trainer.
When launching the game from steam, please select the “Play ARK: No BattlEye AntiCheat, Unofficial Servers Only” launch option.
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