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  • VIP Vitalício

Dying Light - The Following: Trainer {Invictus Orcus / Hog / DNA}



INSERT - ACTIVATE Trainer  while in main menu or the game is paused

Num 0 - Inf Health

Num 1 - One hit kill

Num 2 - Inf Stamina

Num 3 - Inf Ammo

Num 4 - No Reload

Num 5 - Inf throwables

Num 6 - Weapon durability

Num 7 - Instant grappling hook

Num 8 - Inf Items

Num 9 - +50.000 Credits

Num / - Level Up - Agility

Num * - Level Up - Power

Num - - Level Up - Survivor

Num + - Level Up - Legendary

CTRL + Num 0 - Ghost mode

CTRL + Num 1 - Easy lockpicking

CTRL + Num 2 - Stop challenge timers

CTRL + Num 3 - Inf UV Light

CTRL + Num 4 - Super Speed

CTRL + Num 5 - Freeze time

CTRL + Num 6 - Set time of day

The Following - DLC   

CTRL + Num 7 - Level Up - Driving rank

CTRL + Num 8 - Inf fuel

CTRL + Num 9 - Inf Nitro

CTRL + Num / - Instant rank up

Hellraid - DLC

CTRL + Num * - Instant rank up

CTRL + Num - - 999.999 coins 



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