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Sobre creeper21997

  • Data de Nascimento 19-03-1989

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    <h1 id="title">Skript</h1>
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    <a href="/projects/skript/tutorial/">Tutorial</a><a href="/projects/skript/doc/">Documentation</a><a href="/projects/skript/API/">API</a><a href="/projects/skript/stats/">Statistics</a> </div>
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    <div style="width: 100%; color: #500; border: 5px solid #500; text-align: center; padding: 10px; margin: 10px;">
    Please note that this is the old documentation on the last version of Skript I released in 2014.<br>
    For up-to-date documentation, please visit the <a href="">SkriptLang docs</a>,
    the <a href="">Skript Hub docs</a>,
    or the <a href="">skUnity docs</a>.
    Skript is a plugin for <a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bukkit</a>, a popular <a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Minecraft</a> server mod. It allows server admins to easily modify how Minecraft works without programming anything. This is achieved with triggers, whereof each is a collection of conditions and effects. Each time a trigger is called all conditions are checked, and if all are met, the effects are executed. The basic idea behind Skript is the customisability:<br>
    <ul class="bull"><li>Everyone can make their server unique even without custom plugins</li>
    <li>It's much faster to modify some scripts yourself than to have to ask plugin developers to write some features you want</li>
    <li>Also there's no need to have dozens of small plugins if you can do the same with this one plugin</li>
    </ul>You can download the latest stable version of Skript <a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a> (refer to the <a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">BukkitDev page</a> for changelogs and more information).<br>
    As already mentioned, Skript works with triggers which add functionality to this plugin. Triggers can be very basic and only consist of some conditions and effects, like this simple drop fix:<pre class="code-text">on break of glass:
        drop glass</pre>Skript can also be used to create custom commands. These are basically triggers which are executed once a specific command has been typed.<br>
    The following defines a simple command which allows to get the ID of an item by holding it in the hand and typing /id:<pre class="code-text">command /id:
        description: Find the ID of the item you're holding
            message "You're holding a %type of tool% whose ID is %id of tool%."</pre>Skript also comes with an option to directly execute effects from the chat, by interpreting chat messages that start with a configurable character (‘!’ by default) as effects. This essentially allows to use effects as ‘commands’, e.g. <code class="code-text">!repair tool</code> will do what it implies. Because these commands are very powerful (and can thus be abused) only players with the permission <code class="code-text">skript.effectcommands</code> can use them if they are enabled at all (this does <i>not</i> default to OPs!).<br>
    Skript's syntax is not limited to such simple examples as above, but has several other features like loops, conditionals, etc. The following is an example of a more advanced trigger which refuels furnaces using fuel from surrounding chests:<pre class="code-text">on burn of fuel:
        fuel slot of the block is empty
        loop blocks in radius 1:
            loop-block is chest
            loop items of type fuel:
                loop-block contains loop-item
                remove loop-item from loop-block
                set fuel of the event-block to loop-item
                stop trigger</pre>More information on this plugin can be found on <a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Skript's BukkitDev page</a>, and please also read the tutorial and documentation linked below.<br>
    <a name="tutorial"></a><h2>Tutorial</h2>
    If you're new to Skript you should read the <a href="./tutorial/">basic tutorial</a>. It explains how to write a new script with all required steps. There is also another tutorial at <a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">BukkitDev</a>.<br>
    <a name="documentation"></a><h2>Documentation</h2>
    If you are already using this plugin, you should take a look at the <a href="./doc/">documentation</a>. It is helpful if you want to know whether a certain event exists or what arguments a specific condition takes. And of course it's also useful if you just want to find out what can be done with this plugin.<br>
    The documentation also contains a lot of examples to demonstrate the usage of the different conditions, effects, expressions, etc.<br>
    <a name="links"></a><h2>Links</h2>
    <ul class="bull"><li><a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">BukkitDev plugin page</a></li>
    <li><a href="" class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Forum</a></li>
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    ~ created by Peter Güttinger
    ~ icons by <a href="" target="_blank">Yusuke Kamiyamane</a> ~
    Last modified: <span title="Tuesday">Týr's Day</span>, the 1<sup>st</sup> of October 2013 </div>




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