Tenta ler tudo o FAQ, Regras e instruções que estão no no canal de invites no irc. Sobre a formatação está tudo aqui em baixo:
Write the answers in an editor (like Notepad) and please do not use extremely long lines (use manual lines breaks), or your answers wouldn't come through in full length. ***Just the answers with question numbers*** please, not the questions, no empty lines. Keep the format with the question numbers "#)" and "/" slashes. Put some time into this, we do not want to see the questions answered sketchily! If you are a slow typer and can't answer the questions within about 20 minutes, please leave the channel and return when you answered them all. If you don't answer all questions fully, you won't be considered. ***When done, copy and paste the answers to the chat room (IRC channel) quickly one after another. You must be on your home internet connection in order for us to process your application.***
Once you've posted your answers, WAIT in the channel for someone to handle your application. If you must leave for any reason (work, sleep, etc) that's fine, but you *must* return to finish your application. After the application is procesed, the inviter will let you know if you've been accepted.
Sobre as suas respostas
Tenta ser o mais detalhado possível com as respostas e ver se tá tudo gramaticamente correto e tudo mais, eu lí no Reddit que eles já rejeitaram algumas pessoas porque eles não eram fluentes suficientes e pediram pra eles tentarem novamente em X meses. Recomendo que tu use Grammarly pra verificar a sua gramatica e tudo mais ?