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Activating this trainer

If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.

Promo Options

NumPad5: Easy Build Buildings
NumPad7: Set Military Supplies
Separator: Set No Morale
Decimal: Game Speed
Divide: Easy Negotiations
F4: Easy Unlock Yellow Turban Reforms
Ranking Unit Stats: Current Rank

Trainer Options

# Player Faction 

  •      NumPad1: Unlimited Credibility / Population / Reservers / Food

# Armies 

  •      NumPad2: Unlimited Unit Movement
  •      NumPad7: Set Military Supplies
  •      NumPad8: One Turn Reforms
  •      NumPad9: Repopulate And Fill Armies
  •      F5: Easy Unlock Yellow Turban Reforms
  •      F6: Instant Complete Yellow Turban Reforms

# Ranking Units 

  •      NumPad3: Set Traits Value
  •      F7: Set Character Full Faction Satisfaction

# Buildings 

  •      NumPad4: One Turn Building Construction
  •      NumPad5: Easy Build Buildings

# Cities 

  •      NumPad6: Set Public Order

# Battles 

  •      Multiply: Instant Reset Battle Skill Cooldowns
  •      Add: Set High Morale
  •      Subtract: Set No Morale
  •      Decimal: Invincible Army in Battle
  •      F2: Unlimited Battle Ammo

# Game Speed 

  •      Divide: Game Speed

# Faction Interactions 

  •      F1: Easy Negotiations
  •      F3: Character Loyalty / Satisfaction

# Game Time 

  •      F4: Freeze Date / Extend Lives

Editor Options

# Currency 

  •      Current Treasury

# Ranking Unit Stats 

  •      Current Skill Points
  •      Current Rank
  •      Current XP


MAKE SURE TO NOT PRESS F1 TO ACTIVATE THE TRAINER UNTIL YOU ARE AT THE MAIN MENU (this is where you can click NEW or LOAD or CONTINUE)!  THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE FOR ALTERNATE RELEASE VERSIONS OF THE GAME!  If you have AOB error when activating, wait a few seconds and try again.


For Ranking Unit Stats options, select a general or high ranking unit, then click to open it's panel to show the values for that unit and the editor will fill in.  Modify the values, then press TAB to lock them in.

Easy Build Buildings:
Toggle on and you can put buildings into the queue, even if you do not have the correct money.  If you need specific Reforms or other pre-requisites, this likely won't work.

Set Military Supplies:
Toggle on then click an army to set it's supplies to the value you can set in the trainer.

Set No Morale:
Toggle this on and then select units in the battle and you will set their morale to depleted.

Game Speed:
Toggle on to speed up the game, allowing battles to finish faster and etc.

Easy Negotiations:
Toggle on and while this is active most negotiations go through and are successful.

Easy Unlock Yellow Turban Reforms:
Toggle on and when you enter the Reforms screen, you will see that all the Reforms are available to unlock.  This option is intended for Yellow Turban only.  May work in other factions, but is not tested for them and may cause issues or crashes.  Toggle back off when done.


Gosta de games? Então da uma olhadinha no meu canal do YouTube (?só clicar aqui no link ?)!

Comecei agora em 2020, então ainda preciso de muitas criticas construtivas pra saber como fazer direito. Te espero lá!

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