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Heisenbergbr venceu a última vez em Outubro 5 2020

Heisenbergbr tinha o conteúdo mais apreciado!

2 Seguidores

Sobre Heisenbergbr

  • Data de Nascimento 09/04/2002

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Conquistas de Heisenbergbr


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  1. fui entrar no site e apareceu esta mensagem Alguém sabe se é temporário ou trocou de domínio?
  2. oi, conseguindo 5.000 gcoins e trocando por um convite na loja, dá uma olhada nesse artigo ou conseguindo convite de alguém que faz parte do semeando, o que é bem difícl devido a ele custar 400.000 bons(moeda do semeando)
  3. Visulizar Arquivo Trainer Marvel's Avenger {FLING} OPTIONS Num 1 – God Mode/Ignore Hit Num 2 – Infinite Health Num 3 – Infinite Power Num 4 – Infinite Ammo/No Reload Num 5 – Skills Instant Cooldown Num 6 – Skills/BUFF Infinite Duration Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kill Num . – One Hit Destroy Shield Num + – Damage Multiplier Ctrl+Num 1 – Infinite Resources Ctrl+Num 2 – Ignore Equipment Upgrade Requirement Ctrl+Num 3 – Infinite XP Ctrl+Num 4 – XP Multiplier Ctrl+Num 5 – Edit Skill Point Ctrl+Num 6 – Set Game Speed NOTES “Infinite Health”: Note the game will show health loss when getting hit, but your health is still at max. “Infinite Resources” only works for resources you already own. “Infinite XP” takes effect when you gain XP. “Ignore Equipment Upgrade Requirement”: When activated, you can upgrade equipments even if you don’t have enough materials, but if you do have materials, they will be consumed. Autor Heisenbergbr Enviado 20-03-2021 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline
  4. Visulizar Arquivo Trainer Endzone - A World Apart {FLING} OPTIONS Settler Options Num 1 – Max Health Num 2 – Max Happiness Num 3 – Zero Radiation Num 4 – No Hunger Num 5 – No Thirst Num 6 – Max Education Num 7 – Children Fast Grow Up Num 8 – Elders Reset To Young Adults General Options Ctrl+Num 1 – Resources Don’t Decrease Ctrl+Num 2 – Resource Multiplier Ctrl+Num 3 – Fast Building Ctrl+Num 4 – Set Game Speed NOTES “Resource Multiplier” does not work on some resource such as food and tools. “Fast Building”: You still need to deliver resources to the building site in order to start building. Once resources are delivered, the building can be done insta Autor Heisenbergbr Enviado 20-03-2021 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline
  5. Visulizar Arquivo Trainer Battle Brothers {MrAntiFun} Options: 1.Unlimited Health 2.Unlimited AP 3.No Fatigue 4.Unlimited Money 5. Unlimited Perk Points Notice: Activate Health,AP and Fatigue in battle and once the battle is over turn them off right away, Go to the market then open the trade window, Activate Money cheat and spend money to get cheat effect then deactivate the cheat rightaway before you leave market, Activate Perk Points cheat then open character stats window by pressing I if Perks dont change close window and open it again then deactivate the cheat . Autor Heisenbergbr Enviado 20-03-2021 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline
  6. Heisenbergbr

    Lunar IPS

    muito obrigado!
  7. Versão 1.0.0


    OPTIONS Num 1 – God Mode/Ignore Hit Num 2 – Infinite Health Num 3 – Infinite Power Num 4 – Infinite Ammo/No Reload Num 5 – Skills Instant Cooldown Num 6 – Skills/BUFF Infinite Duration Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kill Num . – One Hit Destroy Shield Num + – Damage Multiplier Ctrl+Num 1 – Infinite Resources Ctrl+Num 2 – Ignore Equipment Upgrade Requirement Ctrl+Num 3 – Infinite XP Ctrl+Num 4 – XP Multiplier Ctrl+Num 5 – Edit Skill Point Ctrl+Num 6 – Set Game Speed NOTES “Infinite Health”: Note the game will show health loss when getting hit, but your health is still at max. “Infinite Resources” only works for resources you already own. “Infinite XP” takes effect when you gain XP. “Ignore Equipment Upgrade Requirement”: When activated, you can upgrade equipments even if you don’t have enough materials, but if you do have materials, they will be consumed.
  8. Versão V1.0-V20210429 plus 12


    OPTIONS Settler Options Num 1 – Max Health Num 2 – Max Happiness Num 3 – Zero Radiation Num 4 – No Hunger Num 5 – No Thirst Num 6 – Max Education Num 7 – Children Fast Grow Up Num 8 – Elders Reset To Young Adults General Options Ctrl+Num 1 – Resources Don’t Decrease Ctrl+Num 2 – Resource Multiplier Ctrl+Num 3 – Fast Building Ctrl+Num 4 – Set Game Speed NOTES “Resource Multiplier” does not work on some resource such as food and tools. “Fast Building”: You still need to deliver resources to the building site in order to start building. Once resources are delivered, the building can be done insta
  9. Versão 1.0.0


    Options: 1.Unlimited Health 2.Unlimited AP 3.No Fatigue 4.Unlimited Money 5. Unlimited Perk Points Notice: Activate Health,AP and Fatigue in battle and once the battle is over turn them off right away, Go to the market then open the trade window, Activate Money cheat and spend money to get cheat effect then deactivate the cheat rightaway before you leave market, Activate Perk Points cheat then open character stats window by pressing I if Perks dont change close window and open it again then deactivate the cheat .
  10. Visulizar Arquivo Trainer Doom Eternal {MrAntiFun} Options: Unlimited Health Unlimited Shield Instant Grenades Use Unlimited Jumps Unlimited Lives Unlimited Rune Energy Set Weapon Points Set Mastery Tokens Set Praetor Suit Points Set Sentinel Batteries Unlimited Ammo No Grenades Launcher Reload One Hit Kill Autor Heisenbergbr Enviado 20-03-2021 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline
  11. Visulizar Arquivo Trainer Torchlight III (MrAntiFun) Options: 1.Unlimited Health 2.Unlimited Energy 3.Add 1000 Exp 4.Set Level 5.Unlimited Health Potions 6.Add 1000 Gold 7.Selected Item Quantity 8.Set Skill Points 9.Selected Item Damage Autor Heisenbergbr Enviado 20-03-2021 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline
  12. Versão 1.1.0


    Options: 1.Unlimited Health 2.Unlimited Energy 3.Add 1000 Exp 4.Set Level 5.Unlimited Health Potions 6.Add 1000 Gold 7.Selected Item Quantity 8.Set Skill Points 9.Selected Item Damage
  13. Versão 1.0.0


    Options: Unlimited Health Unlimited Shield Instant Grenades Use Unlimited Jumps Unlimited Lives Unlimited Rune Energy Set Weapon Points Set Mastery Tokens Set Praetor Suit Points Set Sentinel Batteries Unlimited Ammo No Grenades Launcher Reload One Hit Kill
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