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Tudo que Pbisnetto11 postou

  1. Versão +16 V11-24-2023


    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Allow Custom Movement NumPad2: Super Run NumPad3: Super Jump # Vehicle NumPad4: Easy Crank NumPad5: Unlimited Fuel NumPad6: No Overheat # Gameplay NumPad7: Game Speed Editor Options # Currency Money # Player Stats Hunger Sleep Stress Water Temperature Fuel Cashin Drunk
  2. Visulizar Arquivo Junkyard Truck Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Allow Custom Movement NumPad2: Super Run NumPad3: Super Jump # Vehicle NumPad4: Easy Crank NumPad5: Unlimited Fuel NumPad6: No Overheat # Gameplay NumPad7: Game Speed Editor Options # Currency Money # Player Stats Hunger Sleep Stress Water Temperature Fuel Cashin Drunk Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  3. Versão +27 V34.07

    1 download

    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Gameplay NumPad1: Game Speed Editor Options # Currency Money Lockpicks Social Credit Lockpick Strength # Player Stats Unreportable 0 or 1 Is Trespassing 0 or 1 Is Seen By Others 0 or 1 Is Visible 0 or 1 Current Health Maximum Health Current Health Normalized Recovery Rate Combat Skill Combat Heft Current Nerve Max Nerve Applied Stealth Current Visibility Potential Overall Visibility Stealth Distance Stealth Mode Gas Level Hurt Roll Multiplier Walk Speed Run Speed Notes Is Visible 0 or 1: If you set Unreportable to 1, Is Seen By Others to 0, and Visible to 0 you are effectively invisible and able to do whatever you want.
  4. Visulizar Arquivo Shadows of Doubt Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Gameplay NumPad1: Game Speed Editor Options # Currency Money Lockpicks Social Credit Lockpick Strength # Player Stats Unreportable 0 or 1 Is Trespassing 0 or 1 Is Seen By Others 0 or 1 Is Visible 0 or 1 Current Health Maximum Health Current Health Normalized Recovery Rate Combat Skill Combat Heft Current Nerve Max Nerve Applied Stealth Current Visibility Potential Overall Visibility Stealth Distance Stealth Mode Gas Level Hurt Roll Multiplier Walk Speed Run Speed Notes Is Visible 0 or 1: If you set Unreportable to 1, Is Seen By Others to 0, and Visible to 0 you are effectively invisible and able to do whatever you want. Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  5. Versão +12 V1.69 V23.11.2023


    Home - Trainer Activation Numpad 0 - Infinite Health Numpad 1 - Infinite Ammo Numpad 2 - No Reload Numpad 3 - Add Money Numpad 4 - Add Skill Points Numpad 5 - Add Perk Points Numpad 6 - Silent Player Numpad 7 - Low Heart Rate Numpad 8 - Super Speed Numpad 9 - Toggle Time of Day Number 8 - Store Location Number 9 - Teleport Number 0 - Undo Teleportation
  6. Visulizar Arquivo theHunter Call of the Wild Trainer (LINGON) Home - Trainer Activation Numpad 0 - Infinite Health Numpad 1 - Infinite Ammo Numpad 2 - No Reload Numpad 3 - Add Money Numpad 4 - Add Skill Points Numpad 5 - Add Perk Points Numpad 6 - Silent Player Numpad 7 - Low Heart Rate Numpad 8 - Super Speed Numpad 9 - Toggle Time of Day Number 8 - Store Location Number 9 - Teleport Number 0 - Undo Teleportation Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  7. Versão +7

    1 download

    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Super Player # Crafting NumPad2: Easy Craft Editor Options # Player Stats Health Hunger Thirst Happiness Temperature Thirst Hunger Temperature Health Happiness
  8. Visulizar Arquivo No Man's Island Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Super Player # Crafting NumPad2: Easy Craft Editor Options # Player Stats Health Hunger Thirst Happiness Temperature Thirst Hunger Temperature Health Happiness Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  9. Versão +5


    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Unlimited Health NumPad3: Unlimited MP NumPad4: Unlimited AP Editor Options # Game Game Speed
  10. Visulizar Arquivo Rune Teller Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Unlimited Health NumPad3: Unlimited MP NumPad4: Unlimited AP Editor Options # Game Game Speed Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  11. Visulizar Arquivo Below the Stone Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Unlimited Health NumPad3: Super Move Speed NumPad4: Refresh Inventory Editor NumPad5: Super Wall Damage NumPad6: Super Damage NumPad7: Unlimited Money # Game NumPad8: Game Speed Editor Options # Toolbelt Inventory Slot 1 - Slot 10 # Bag Inventory Slot 1 - Slot 20 # Player Damage Multiplier Money Notes Refresh Inventory Editor: Use this to refresh Inventory Editor. Toolbelt Inventory ' Slot 1: Bag Inventory ' Slot 1: Use Refresh Inventory Editor first. Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  12. Versão +40

    1 download

    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Unlimited Health NumPad3: Super Move Speed NumPad4: Refresh Inventory Editor NumPad5: Super Wall Damage NumPad6: Super Damage NumPad7: Unlimited Money # Game NumPad8: Game Speed Editor Options # Toolbelt Inventory Slot 1 - Slot 10 # Bag Inventory Slot 1 - Slot 20 # Player Damage Multiplier Money Notes Refresh Inventory Editor: Use this to refresh Inventory Editor. Toolbelt Inventory ' Slot 1: Bag Inventory ' Slot 1: Use Refresh Inventory Editor first.
  13. Visulizar Arquivo Blackout Protocol Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Infinite Health NumPad3: Invisible NumPad4: Unlimited Ammo NumPad5: No Reload NumPad6: No Skill Cooldown NumPad7: Super Damage NumPad8: Unlimited Coins NumPad9: Unlimited Data Nugs Multiply: Fly Add: No Clip Subtract: Hover Player Higher Decimal: Hover Player Lower Divide: Increase Player Speed F1: Decrease Player Speed F2: Set Normal Player Speed F3: Decrease Npc Speed F4: Increase Npc Speed F5: Freeze Npc F6: Set Normal Npc Speed F7: Save Position Slot 1 F8: Save Position Slot 2 F9: Save Position Slot 3 F10: Save Position Slot 4 F11: Save Position Slot 5 F12: Restore Position Slot 1 F13: Restore Position Slot 2 F14: Restore Position Slot 3 F15: Restore Position Slot 4 F16: Restore Position Slot 5 # Game F17: Game Speed Editor Options # Player Player Speed Multiplier Enemy Speed Multiplier Damage Multiplier Data Nugs Coin Multiplier Notes No Clip: Doesn't works without 'Fly'. Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  14. Versão +36

    1 download

    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Infinite Health NumPad3: Invisible NumPad4: Unlimited Ammo NumPad5: No Reload NumPad6: No Skill Cooldown NumPad7: Super Damage NumPad8: Unlimited Coins NumPad9: Unlimited Data Nugs Multiply: Fly Add: No Clip Subtract: Hover Player Higher Decimal: Hover Player Lower Divide: Increase Player Speed F1: Decrease Player Speed F2: Set Normal Player Speed F3: Decrease Npc Speed F4: Increase Npc Speed F5: Freeze Npc F6: Set Normal Npc Speed F7: Save Position Slot 1 F8: Save Position Slot 2 F9: Save Position Slot 3 F10: Save Position Slot 4 F11: Save Position Slot 5 F12: Restore Position Slot 1 F13: Restore Position Slot 2 F14: Restore Position Slot 3 F15: Restore Position Slot 4 F16: Restore Position Slot 5 # Game F17: Game Speed Editor Options # Player Player Speed Multiplier Enemy Speed Multiplier Damage Multiplier Data Nugs Coin Multiplier Notes No Clip: Doesn't works without 'Fly'.
  15. Visulizar Arquivo Ed-0: Zombie Uprising Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Unlimited Health NumPad3: Unlimited Fullness NumPad4: Max Zen Mode Gauge NumPad5: Unlimited Zen Mode Duration NumPad6: Super Damage NumPad7: Unlimited Yellow Currency NumPad8: Unlimited Blue Currency NumPad9: Refresh Inventory Editor Multiply: Fly Add: No Clip Subtract: Hover Player Higher Decimal: Hover Player Lower Divide: Increase Player Speed F1: Decrease Player Speed F2: Set Normal Player Speed F3: Increase Jump Height F4: Decrease Jump Height F5: Set Normal Jump Height F6: Decrease Gravity F7: Increase Gravity F8: Set Normal Gravity # Enemy F9: Decrease Enemy Speed F10: Increase Enemy Speed F11: Freeze Enemies F12: Set Normal Enemy Speed # Teleport F13: Save Position Slot 1 F14: Save Position Slot 2 F15: Save Position Slot 3 F16: Save Position Slot 4 F17: Save Position Slot 5 F18: Restore Position Slot 1 F19: Restore Position Slot 2 F20: Restore Position Slot 3 F21: Restore Position Slot 4 F22: Restore Position Slot 5 # Game F23: Game Speed Editor Options # Player Player Speed Multiplier Jump Multiplier Gravity Multiplier Damage Multiplier Yellow Currency Blue Currency # Enemy Enemy Speed Multiplier # Inventory Slot 1 - Slot 15 Notes Refresh Inventory Editor: Use this to refresh the inventory editor. Slot 1: Use Refresh Inventory Editor first. Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  16. Versão +59


    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Invulnerable NumPad2: Unlimited Health NumPad3: Unlimited Fullness NumPad4: Max Zen Mode Gauge NumPad5: Unlimited Zen Mode Duration NumPad6: Super Damage NumPad7: Unlimited Yellow Currency NumPad8: Unlimited Blue Currency NumPad9: Refresh Inventory Editor Multiply: Fly Add: No Clip Subtract: Hover Player Higher Decimal: Hover Player Lower Divide: Increase Player Speed F1: Decrease Player Speed F2: Set Normal Player Speed F3: Increase Jump Height F4: Decrease Jump Height F5: Set Normal Jump Height F6: Decrease Gravity F7: Increase Gravity F8: Set Normal Gravity # Enemy F9: Decrease Enemy Speed F10: Increase Enemy Speed F11: Freeze Enemies F12: Set Normal Enemy Speed # Teleport F13: Save Position Slot 1 F14: Save Position Slot 2 F15: Save Position Slot 3 F16: Save Position Slot 4 F17: Save Position Slot 5 F18: Restore Position Slot 1 F19: Restore Position Slot 2 F20: Restore Position Slot 3 F21: Restore Position Slot 4 F22: Restore Position Slot 5 # Game F23: Game Speed Editor Options # Player Player Speed Multiplier Jump Multiplier Gravity Multiplier Damage Multiplier Yellow Currency Blue Currency # Enemy Enemy Speed Multiplier # Inventory Slot 1 - Slot 15 Notes Refresh Inventory Editor: Use this to refresh the inventory editor. Slot 1: Use Refresh Inventory Editor first.
  17. Visulizar Arquivo Naruto X Boruto Trainer (FUTUREX) Options: HOME Active Trainer Numpad1 Infinite Health Numpad2 Infinite Chakra Numpad3 Infinite Ninjutsu Numpad4 Infinite Storm Numpad5 Instant Support Numpad6 Instant Battle Item Numpad7 Max Combo Hits Numpad8 Freeze Battle Timer Numpad9 One Hit/Fast Kill Numpad0 Infinite XP/Level-Up Ctrl+1 Infinite Ryo/Money Ctrl+2 Opponent: Zero Chakra Ctrl+3 Opponent: Zero Ninjutsu Ctrl+4 Opponent: Zero Storm Ctrl+5 Opponent: No Support Ctrl+6 Opponent: No Battle Item (Can't use) Ctrl+7 Opponent: Can't Hits Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  18. Versão +17 V1.01


    Options: HOME Active Trainer Numpad1 Infinite Health Numpad2 Infinite Chakra Numpad3 Infinite Ninjutsu Numpad4 Infinite Storm Numpad5 Instant Support Numpad6 Instant Battle Item Numpad7 Max Combo Hits Numpad8 Freeze Battle Timer Numpad9 One Hit/Fast Kill Numpad0 Infinite XP/Level-Up Ctrl+1 Infinite Ryo/Money Ctrl+2 Opponent: Zero Chakra Ctrl+3 Opponent: Zero Ninjutsu Ctrl+4 Opponent: Zero Storm Ctrl+5 Opponent: No Support Ctrl+6 Opponent: No Battle Item (Can't use) Ctrl+7 Opponent: Can't Hits
  19. Visulizar Arquivo Gangs of Sherwood Trainer (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Unlimited Health NumPad2: Unlimited Block NumPad3: Unlimited Power NumPad4: Max Style Meter NumPad5: No Burning NumPad6: Fast Movement NumPad7: Mega Combo Meter on Reset # Enemies NumPad8: Disable Enemies # Weapons NumPad9: Super Damage Multiply: Super Damage To Bosses # Gameplay Add: Game Speed Editor Options # Mission Resource Progression Gold Collected Gold Collected Copy # Home Base Resource Gold Notes Trainer will ONLY work in OFFLINE SINGLE PLAYER mode. Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 29-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  20. Versão +14

    1 download

    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Player NumPad1: Unlimited Health NumPad2: Unlimited Block NumPad3: Unlimited Power NumPad4: Max Style Meter NumPad5: No Burning NumPad6: Fast Movement NumPad7: Mega Combo Meter on Reset # Enemies NumPad8: Disable Enemies # Weapons NumPad9: Super Damage Multiply: Super Damage To Bosses # Gameplay Add: Game Speed Editor Options # Mission Resource Progression Gold Collected Gold Collected Copy # Home Base Resource Gold Notes Trainer will ONLY work in OFFLINE SINGLE PLAYER mode.
  21. Versão +14


    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Currently Controlled Unit NumPad1: Super Combat NumPad2: Ignore Ability Cooldowns NumPad3: Ignore Movement Points # Right Click Unit in Combat NumPad4: Super Unit NumPad5: Weak Unit # Weapons NumPad6: No Reload # Gameplay NumPad7: Super Game Speed Editor Options # Unit Currently in Control Movement Points Movement Points Max Action Points Left # Right Click Unit Current Max Health Current Max Health Cap Current Max Health Base Total Wound Damage Notes Super Combat: Leave OFF until you are able to control a unit. This will give you unlimited movement and ability points. Note that this will let the enemy do so as well, so LEAVE OFF until you are able to control a unit. Ignore Ability Cooldowns: This will let you attack over and over, even with abilities that only let you attack once per round. Note that this will let the enemy do so as well, so LEAVE OFF until you are able to control a unit. Ignore Movement Points: This will allow you to continue to move even if you have no movement points. Note that this will let the enemy do so as well, so LEAVE OFF until you are able to control a unit. Super Unit: Right Click a Unit in Combat FIRST so you see it's Character Sheet, THEN press this key to affect that unit. No Reload: When you go to shoot, you will have plenty of ammo. Super Game Speed: Toggle on to affect the speed of the game.
  22. Visulizar Arquivo Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader TRAINER (CHEATHAPPENS.COM) Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Currently Controlled Unit NumPad1: Super Combat NumPad2: Ignore Ability Cooldowns NumPad3: Ignore Movement Points # Right Click Unit in Combat NumPad4: Super Unit NumPad5: Weak Unit # Weapons NumPad6: No Reload # Gameplay NumPad7: Super Game Speed Editor Options # Unit Currently in Control Movement Points Movement Points Max Action Points Left # Right Click Unit Current Max Health Current Max Health Cap Current Max Health Base Total Wound Damage Notes Super Combat: Leave OFF until you are able to control a unit. This will give you unlimited movement and ability points. Note that this will let the enemy do so as well, so LEAVE OFF until you are able to control a unit. Ignore Ability Cooldowns: This will let you attack over and over, even with abilities that only let you attack once per round. Note that this will let the enemy do so as well, so LEAVE OFF until you are able to control a unit. Ignore Movement Points: This will allow you to continue to move even if you have no movement points. Note that this will let the enemy do so as well, so LEAVE OFF until you are able to control a unit. Super Unit: Right Click a Unit in Combat FIRST so you see it's Character Sheet, THEN press this key to affect that unit. No Reload: When you go to shoot, you will have plenty of ammo. Super Game Speed: Toggle on to affect the speed of the game. Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 27-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  23. Visulizar Arquivo Alan Wake 2 Trainer (LINGON) Options: Trainer Activation - Home Key Numric 5 - Inf Health Numric 6 - Inf Gear / Ammo Numric 7 - No Reload Numric 8 - Store Location Numric 9 - Teleport Numric 0 - Undo Teleportation Delete Key - Inf Flashlight Batteries Page Up Key - Speed Up Page Down Key - Slowmotion Insert Key - Super Slow Autor Pbisnetto11 Enviado 27-02-2024 Categoria Trainers & Hacks Offline  
  24. Versão +10 V1.0.0.12


    Options: Trainer Activation - Home Key Numric 5 - Inf Health Numric 6 - Inf Gear / Ammo Numric 7 - No Reload Numric 8 - Store Location Numric 9 - Teleport Numric 0 - Undo Teleportation Delete Key - Inf Flashlight Batteries Page Up Key - Speed Up Page Down Key - Slowmotion Insert Key - Super Slow
  25. Versão +11

    1 download

    Activating this trainer If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options # Upgrades NumPad1: Buying Upgrades Gives Resource NumPad2: Can Buy Upgrades Even with No Resources NumPad3: Upgrades Don't Have Requirements # Resources NumPad4: Unlimited Food NumPad5: Unlimited Storage Supplies NumPad6: Unlimited Fuel And Resources # Reputation NumPad7: Mega Resolve NumPad8: No Queens Impatience # Gameplay NumPad9: Game Speed Editor Options # Reputation Reputation Queens Impatience Notes Unlimited Food: Some RESOURCES options may not work with all RESOURCES or ALL FOOD TYPES (for instance). Mega Resolve: Toggle on and you will find that the reputation begins to increase due to increased resolve (max resolve). You can then edit the Reputation if it hadn't already begun increasing on it's own. Game Speed: May not work on all computer systems or operating systems. Reputation: For Reputation, make sure you pick an ORDER so that the values will begin to change.

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