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💔 Adeus, Lojinha de Pontos do GGames – O Fim de Uma Era 💔 ×

1 Screenshot

About This File

Trainer options
Numpad 1 - Infinite Health
Numpad 2 - Infinite Adrenaline bars
Numpad 3 - Infinite Oxygen
Numpad 4 - Skills No Cooldown
Numpad 5 - Infinite Skill Duration
Numpad 6 - Items Won't Decrease
Numpad 7 - Infinite Ship Acceleration
Numpad 8 - Super Speed
Numpad 9 - Stealth Mode
Numpad 0 - Super Damage / One Hit Kill
Numpad (.) - Ship: Infinite Health
Numpad (+) -Ship: Attacks No Cooldown
Numpad (-) - Ship: One Hit Kill
Ctrl + Numpad 1 - Infinite Money
Ctrl + Numpad 2 - Infinite Resources
Ctrl + Numpad 3 - Infinite Experience
Ctrl + Numpad 4 - Infinite Skill Points
Ctrl + Numpad 5 - Clear Bounties
Ctrl + Numpad 6 - Super Revelation Range
Ctrl + Numpad 7 - Unlock All Engravings
Ctrl + Numpad 8 - Freeze Daytime
Ctrl + Numpad 9 - Zero Nation Power
Ctrl + PageUp - Battle: Drop 50% Athenian HP
Ctrl + PageDown - Battle: Drop 50% Spartan HP
Ctrl + ./+/- - Save Location/Teleport/Undo
Ctrl + Numpad 0 - Teleport to Waypoint Location
Alt + 1/2/3/4 - 2/4/8/16x Experience
Home - Disable All

Boa Jogatina!


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